I will add comments and links to them sometime in the future.
Also at the bottom you will find links to relevant websites.
Marc Antrop
- Sustainable Landscapes; contradiction, fiction or utopia?
- Why landscapes of the past are important for the future
Owen Barfield
- History in English Words
- Saving the Appearances
- Speaker’s Meaning
- History, Guilt & Habit
- 'Erscheinenlassen' Ausgewahlte Texte aus H. Barths Hauptwerk "Erkenntnis der Existenz" mit Hinfuhrungen von Rudolf Bind, Georg Maier and Hans Rudolf Schwiezer.
- The Aesthetic Field
- The Aesthetics of Environment (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992)
- Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,1997)
- The Aesthetics of Natural Environments. Co-edited with Allen Carlson.
- The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Co-edited with Allen Carlson. (Peterborough: Broadview, 2006)
- Towards phenomenology of the etheric world
- Awakening to Landscape
- Dialogue with Nature
- Aspekte der Selbsterfahrung in Phanomenologischen Zugang zur Natur der Pflanzen, Gesteine, Tiere und der Landschaft” in Phanomenologie der Natur ed Gernot Bohme edition Suhrkamp
- Selbsterkenntnis, Welterkenntnis
- Metamorphosis of plants
- Atmosphare edition Surkamp 1995 (German)
- Phanomenologie der Natur (German)
- Aesthetics of the Natural Environment
- Imagination and the Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature
- In Search of Thinking
Edwin Casey
- The World at a Glance
Bendetta Castiglioni
- "Education on Landscape for Children" presented at the 5th Council of Europe Conference on the European Convention
- Landscape into Art
- De Waarneming en Waardering van Landschappen
- Dominant attributes in the perception and evaluation of the Dutch
landscape - Landschapsbeleving
- The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Prospect, perspective and the evolution of the landscape idea
- Art as Experience
- A Writer's Britain
- Marriage of Sense-Perception and Thought
Th. van Elsen
- "Values of rural landscapes in Europe; Inspiration or by-product?"
- "Over Nescio; Beschouwingen en Interviews"
- "The shared Landscape; What does Aesthetics have to do with Ecology?" in Landscape Ecology 2007
- "Multi-functional landscapes- towards transdisciplinary approach"
- "Capturing landscape visual character; Touching base with landscape aesthetic theory"
- The Perception of the Visual World
- The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
- Medieval Civilization 400-1500
- The Understanding of Nature
- Approaches to a Philosophical Biology
- The Plant Vol 1 & 2
- Verzameld proza en nagelaten werk
- Natuurdagboek
- Brieven uit Veere
- "The neglected program of Aesthetics" in British journal of Aesthetics Vol 42 no 4 okt 2002
- Categories of the Medieval Culture (Das Weltbild der Mittelalter)
- Leesbaar Landschap (Handleiding) Henk Kloen m.m.v. Johan Eppink en Taco Jansonius
- Landbouw in een Leesbaar Landschap (Dissertation with Derk Jan Stobbelaar)
- Building, Dwelling, Thinking
- Nature's Moods British Journal of Aesthetics Vol 35 no 2 april 1995
- The Perception of the Environment; Essays on Livelyhood, Dwelling and Skill
- Culture on the Ground
- Ways of Mind-Walking; Reading, Writing, Painting
- Lines
- Ways of Walking, Ethnography and Practice on Foot (editors T. Ingold and Jo LeeVergunst)
- The production of mindscapes
- Kwaliteit leefomgeving (Alterra report 122)
- Metropolitian matterscape, powerscpae and mindscape
- Psychology of the visual landscape
- Metamorphoses (Dutch)
- Beeldentaal der Dierenriem
- Twaalf Driften
- Dier tussen Mens en Kosmos
- Bomen en Planeten
- The Human Soul
- A Living Physiology
- Animals and their destiny
- From Normal to Healthy;Path to the liberation of Consciousness
- The Logos-Structure of the World
- Stages of Consciousness
- The Life of the Soul
- Montaillou. Cathars and Catholics in a French Village (by a historian, fascinating but can become boring) Ook in Nederlandse vertaling verkrijgbaar
- Filosofie van het Landschap
- Wandelenderwijs
- Met open zinnen
- Marriage of Sense & Thought
- Being on Earth, Practise in Tending the Appearances. Available on the net
- "Optik der Bilder"
- "Forschung als hinwendung zur gegenwartigen existenz"
- "Interdisciplinary approach to integrate a range of agro-landscape values as proposed by representatives of various disciplines" in Agriculture,Ecosystems & Environment no 63 (1997)
- 'Awareness-raising, training and educations' with Bas Pedroli; in Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Contracting and Signatory States to the European Landscape Convention
- Checklist for sustainable agriculture
- De Aangeklede Engel
- Dieren zijn wat mensen hebben
- The beholding eye; ten versions of the same scene
M. Merleau-Ponty
- Phenomenology of Perception
- The Visible and the Invisible
- Cezanne's Doubt
- Eye and the Mind
- Essential Writings (ed Alden.L. Fisher)
- Labyrinth (very enjoyable summer reading!!) in Nederlands; Het verloren Labyrint
- The shared Landscape; What does Aesthetics have to do with Ecology? Landscap Ecology 2007
- Action in Perception
- Out of our heads
Christian Norberg-Schulz
- Genius Loci, Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture
- Norden and the "substantive landscape"; a personal account
- The cause celebre and scholarly discourse
Bas Pedroli
- ed. Landscape-Our Home, Lebensraum Landschaft A beautiful book and very enjoyable!
- Man and Animal
- A New Zoology
- New Paths in Biology
- Animals as Social Beings
- Animals Forms and Patterns
- Place and Placelessness
- Art and Human Consciousness
- Die Gesamtsinnesorganisation: Uberwindung der Subject-Object-Spaltung in der Sinneslehre
- A Geography of the Lifeworld
- Dwelling, Seeing, and Designing: Towards a Phenomenological Ecology
- Dwelling, Place and Environment: Towards a Phenomenology of Person and World. ed D.Seamon & R Mugerauer
- Goethean Science
- The Twelve Senses In Nederlands 'De Twaalf Zintuigen'
- Wanderlust, A History of Walking
- The Language of Landscape
- Goethean Science
- Goethe's World View
- Truth and Knowledge
- Philosophy of Freedom
- Riddles of Philosophy
- Goethe as the Founder of a New Science of Aesthetics
- Anthroposophy, a Fragment
- A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments
- The Materiality of Stone: Explorations in Landscape Phenomenology
- Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary Landscape studies: Potential and Limitations
- From Tacit to Explicit knowledge in integrative and participatory research
- Thought and landscape;The eye and the mind's eye
- Environmental psychological perspectives on landscape
- The Yellow Cross (very enjoyable summer reading!!) In Nederlands; De Laatste Katharen
- Aesthetisches Denken
- Aestheticization Processes; Phenomena, Distinctions and Prospects. in Theory, Culture & Society
- Landscape
- 'Goethe's way of Science' co edited with David Seamon
- Catching the Light
- Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry